2D Pixel Artist Needed [Rev-share]

2D Pixel Artist Needed [Rev-share]

I plan on making a sequel to a game I made around 6 months ago (link below) called Zombie Kaos. It will be a top down zombie survival game with various weapons, upgrades and levels. The graphics required won't be that many (no more than 25) and in return for your work I'll give you more or less 25% of any money earned from sponsoring, sitelocks and ads.

The original game got 50,000 views and could've been far more successful if it had better assets and more gameplay features. It also suffered a bit due to optimisation and a couple of minor bugs. I've become a far better programmer since and I'm willing to spend a lot more time polishing and adding features to ZK (I spent about two weeks making the original).

If you're interested add me on Skype (quickfruit) or email me (hovaku [at] gmail [dot] [com]).

Original game: http://www.fastswf.com/ZwPVQrk