3D art needed here!

3D art needed here!

810's picture

Hello, I don´t know how structure it, but well.. 

I'm making a sci-fi 3D game, about a old space station that is suddently reactivated; I have some concepts, but I can't make them into 3d, I'm looking for some one that can worck with me In the progress of the development. The game will be in spanish, and will be translated into english later. It will be free and "open", because is based in a closed software that I can't edit or decompile, but I can redistribute it. Menwhile the levels and comands are the "open" part.

The model needs to be in low poly, rigged and with nine animations (Walking, runing, four die animations, shooting, hit (by bullet), Idle) But each one in a  Genesis 3D *.mot file, not common, but can be found in MilkShape3D. 

If you know the .ms3d format I will be happy :D 

I need some 2d art too, a simple sci-fi hud, no bars or indicators, just the backgorund.


Thanks for reading and I hope you want to help me. 


Atentamente, su compadre Yael! 

(All the texts in image are in spanish)

102_4349.JPG 102_4349.JPG 1.4 Mb [38 download(s)]
102_4353.JPG 102_4353.JPG 1.3 Mb [31 download(s)]