7even Nation Storyline
7even Nation Storyline
Hi there,
I am planning and hopefully eventually making a game called '7even Nation', It is a medieval fantasy type game a bit like oblivion. I have created a website for it so please check that out: www.gearedstudios.webs.com
I previously had a very basic storyline but I'm currently writting a more indepth storyline. It will probably take a while to finish the whole story so I plan to upload it in parts.
Keep in mind that I am no story writer and that the english doesn't really matter as it will more just be used as a reference when planning out the levels (though I will still try and make the english understandable :P). this is the first part of the first level... enjoy and feel free to comment and critisize (the next part will come soon hopefully)
Scene 1
The sun neared the ridge of jagged stone to the south of the city, throwing long shadows across the rolling hills and bathing the upper tiers of the town in golden light. The river meandered, ensnaring the city against the mountainside. The citizens ambled back and fourth through the narrow streets and the workers drifted off the fields and back over the large stone bridge into the inner city.
A rider tore up to the summit of a distant hill. Stopped. And was shortly followed by a great, lumbering being. The man lifted his head and gazed out from the shadow of the hood at the metropolis. A smirk formed over his face as he kicked his mount back into life, and went plunging down towards the bridge, trailed by the creature.
The rider descended his mount and led it into the stables outside the city. He flipped a gold coin to the stable boy, “thank you, Sir” the boy replied gratefully, and scurried off into the adjoining shack. The figure glided over the bridge, followed by the heavy footsteps of the beast and entered the old city. He navigated the streets with the ease and the nature of a local and he and his companion soon found themselves at the entrance to the Imperial Palace. The colossal structure dwarfed the rest of the city and the dark stone would have made it a daunting site for most. The man did not waiver. He flew up the stairs and stopped at the top, turning to absorb the view. The sun was just touching the mountain range and the clear sky showed the two moons clearly, basked in stars. The man turned back, meeting the eyes of a stern female, dressed in ceremonial armour. “Your late. The Emperor does not enjoy being kept waiting. Follow me.” She turned and left swiftly.
“I’m good thanks for asking, and how have you been?” he whispered to himself,
“I HEARD THAT!” was the shouted reply, “Now hurry up!”
The man obeyed and, turning back once more, disappeared behind the huge wooden doors.
Looks good so far. :)
Please post more as you write. I can give better plot feedback if I see the plot unfolding.
As anyone who wrote this post probably realised long ago, I gave up on this project due to a general lack of motivation and time. But if anyone else can take any inspiration from the very small amount written or feels like expanding it or possibly using it in its entirety, please feel free.
You can find some related material over here: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/7even-nation
Shame you gave up, the project was looking good. What font did you use for the menus and logos?
Your story is very similar to the plot I wrote for Dungeon Tactics; likley because we were influanced by many of the same sources. Perhaps you would be interested in a collaborative effort?
I know you lost interest in leading your own project, but you obviously have ideas and talent. Perhaps contributing in a casual fashon to an established project spearheaded by someone with more motivation would allow you the freedom of creative expression without the preasures of development?
Dungeon Tactics - Open Source SRPG