"An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator."
"An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator."
Sunday, August 21, 2011 - 07:40
I get that message everytime I try to upload something?
I get that message everytime I try to upload something?
Weird. What type of file are you trying to upload? Also, did you make sure to select at least one license?
Iss it illegal to download things from here and use it to make money?
Iss it illegal to download things from here and use it to make money?
No. There's nothing stopping you from using any of these works commercially, but read the terms of the licenses carefully, because most of them require you to credit the author, and some of them require you to make the source code of your work available.
"I get that message everytime I try to upload something?"
last time i get it too and one off my files were not uploaded
I got it again. It seems to be best to close the browser and start it again as the error just keeps popping up even after retrying in a new tab and closing the old one. Restarting the browser seems to fix it for me.
I think it happens when you forget to fill in some choices as Bart mentioned. The problem is that the site somehow remembers your mistake and prevents you from 'fixing' your mistakes.