Anyone else having problems with uploading stuff?
Anyone else having problems with uploading stuff?
Sunday, March 16, 2014 - 05:18
Hey guys,
I made a little game for the jam, but uploading it seems to fail all the time.
It starts, uploads some percentage of the files, then termiminates the upload.
Anyone know what I could try?
Thanks in advance!
PS: Uploading stuff here doesn't work, either.... :(
I can't figure out what to do, so I just uploaded it here :
Is there any way toget this into the jam later ?!?
Friday and Saturday morning all uploads bigger than a few KB failed for me. Saturday evening it seemed to be alright again.
Just uploaded my game, didn't have any trouble. Try it again. If not, try zipping and upload the zip.
Hey guys, I tried all day, and now, finally, it worked! :)
I got it uploaded, that made my day.
Thanks to all, now I can hardly wait to see al the cool games in the jam!