arabic translation
arabic translation
Thursday, September 19, 2013 - 08:40
hi everyone
i just started playing FLARE two days ago . and really really i loved it
anyway i was thinking about helping translate it to arabic so i need the (.pot) files
can any one help me ?
Hi popo,
Glad you enjoy the game :)
If you want to translate, you'll find the pot files at for the engine, there is just one pot file for the default mod at
The game itself can be found at
There you need to go through the subfolders of 'mods' (The standard mods are fantasycore and alpha_demo, so these should be enough for a full translation of the standardgame play)
For translators there have been different ways for collaboration. One way - as the developers - is the git way. Another way, many other translators use, is just downloading the files and then once they're done, sending them by email to Clint Bellanger.
If you have any more specific questions, feel free to ask. :)
Flare uses SDL, and the SDL TTF font system doesn't have good support for RTL languages. So Flare doesn't either, for now.
We would love to work towards RTL support. I'm kinda clueless there, so if anyone can help with a strategy that would be awesome.
unfortunately you are right Mr clint i just noticed that i can't write in arabic in flare :(
i tryed to write my name "abd elrhman" but the letters was shown as squares
is there any thing i can manual do to fix that problem in my copy of flare ?
I don't know if this will work because of the RTL issue, but you can fix the squares by specifying a specific font like some of the translated languages do. (eg. I think Japanese uses Unifont?)
How about using pango? I know SDL wouldn't display RTL, so pango would be a good advancement though you might need to consider changing design aspects :)
If you need any help I'll be glad to assist you :)
The most efficient code is 0 bit in size ...
We have GNU Unifont in our game repo:
it should support Arabic, You should add font redefinition to in the same way as it's done for Japanese.