$12256 / $11500
I've been creating an RPG Character Set lately and need some suggestions of hairstyles, clothes.. glasses styles, anything! Here is the web address to the assets I have so far: http://opengameart.org/content/character-rpg-sprites
Things I can make:
This is just a fun way for me to see what you guys would like me to make, since I'm currently just thinking things off the top of my head anyway. Suggestions and Ideas are welcome, though no guarantees I'll get them done.
Off the top of my head:
- Beards/facial hair
- More glasses (round 'scholarly' type, sunglasses, etc.)
- Mohawk
- Helmets (motorcycle, riot, etc.)
- Hats (top, cowboy, fedora, ..?)
My project: Bits & Bots
Thanks MoikMellah, I have tomorrow off since I only can work 32 hrs per week (part time internship). I'll see what I can do!