big Super Mario game - Art request
big Super Mario game - Art request
Hello, Ladies and Guys of Open Game Art
I'm new to the site. I had seen it some times while googling for assets for my games, but never saw completely what it was about.
I'm a fan of Super Mario and Sonic. I have made some remakes of them, but now I'm working in a Super Mario game very much improved and with more features, such as the Rakoon and Hammer Suits, and more enemies and level design. By now it has only 1 world. I can share it here if necesary.
What I wanted to ask is if any artist from the site can increase the definition of the sprites and tiles of my game. The matter is this, I took all the assets from Internet, but, for example, the blocks and every tile were 16 x 16 pixels, and the mario sprite sheets something like that, and I scaled all that to 250%, so the blocks are 40 x 40 pixels in the 800 x 600 screen. That caused that the graphic definition turned not very good. The positive sight for me is that, with more pixel definition, the pictures MIGHT be much more better, and with that, the game.
Obviously the minimum I could do for this person is to credit her/him in my program.
Thanks in advance
(I'm from Argentina, sorry for my English)
Hi there, and welcome. These assets you are using, what license are they under? It might be better to find something appropriate here on OGA, under a free culture license so you'd be safe. But 40x40 is a very unusual size; side-on (and top-down) tiles usually go up to 32x32. You might have to change either your game's resolution or else how much of the playground is visible at once.
Tiger, can you show me one of those resized 40x40 tiles?
Here is the link to the game (that is still in development)
And this one goes to one of the tile (40 x 40) group
I can see what you mean, the tiles look fuzzy and distorted. I'll try and redraw one of them tomorrow (it's the middle of the night here in Denmark right now) and then you can see if you like it. Though it's not likely that I bother to redraw ALL of the tiles you've posted. You'll have to switch to somehting a bit more limited then, I'm afraid. Otherwise it's just to much work for me, at least for a free project :P
Hi, and thanks
I really don't know about licenses, but suppose all I got on the Internet is free. Anyway, I'm not doing this for profit.
Very nice your picture about the cat in the night. I love them too. May I steal it? (ha ha)
Ok, thank you very much, Spring Enterprises.
Here's an example of a simple tileset drawn using my own personal style. However, I don't know if it's something like this you want. The tile size is 40x40, like the block images it was based on. Try and seee if it looks good at your game's screen resolution. Btw I have not tried your game yet.
The Tiger: what you get on the Internet isn't automatically free to reuse, and not-for-profit work can still infringe copyright. It's an unfortunate situation, but we creators must know how this stuff works.
That said, thanks for the compliment! You can find the full version of Midnight Cat on Deviant Art: -- it's still one of my best after many years. It's under a CC-BY-SA license like most of my stuff, but I'll consider a change if you ask.
Hello, Spring Enterprises
This is very good, I thank you for taking the time to draw it. The only problem is that for using them to build levels, I would need all the tiles in the tileset. Perhaps if you can see the levels ... But note that most of the tiles are just another of them flipped vertical or horizontal. I´ll make a level with the tiles you gave me here and add it to the game, it will look perfect,
Hello, Claudeb
Midnight Cat is an art work, not a game ... yes, change the license please! Can't I steal it yet?
Tiger, these tiles were only intended to show off my style, I am well aware that you cant make much of a level with just this.
Glad you like them still, though!