Bring me new ideas for my near-finished expanded fantasy tileset
Bring me new ideas for my near-finished expanded fantasy tileset
I don't know which kind of stuff I can add to complete this fantasy tileset
Right now I need 5 more magic items ; but I can add more tiles, new row of 8 monsters, etc.
- EDIT - Sprites I added thanks to the ideas below:
- a big boar
- a frog/toad
- a centipede
- a lizard
- a rabbit (a bit too cute, but well it could be the same kind of bloodthirsty rabbit you see in "Monty Python And the Holy Grail"...)
- big mushrooms
- a zombie
- a cyclop
- a pharaoh
- an ankh
- a "illuminati eye"
- a big shiny magic ball
- some HUD borders...
- EDIT - Tileset completed! Thank you for the suggestions!
Perhaps an ankh as a magical item? And maybe a mummy or a zombie as a monster?
Great suggestions!
It's OK for the Ankh and the zombie (how can I forgot to make a zombie doh!), but I don't know about the mummy: I think it requires too much details, well I'll see.
Current projects = DETHLANDS (4-bit Metal-platformer) + LOKI'S BREED (shmup)
Very nice set you made there. Brainstormed abit:
Magic item:
Orb (shiny crystal ball)
Well not related with tileset, but you could do HUD and UI stuff as well. A font and a few styled boxes will do the trick. You could integrate one of the pixel fonts here on OGA as well. Also some additional non passable tiles like a crystal or a giant mushroom would be nice.
@Scrittl: Boar done! Lizard will be the next one (so I have to add another row of 8 animals...)
@cemkalyoncu: really nice suggestions!
Current projects = DETHLANDS (4-bit Metal-platformer) + LOKI'S BREED (shmup)
Hmm, a pogo stick, a whip, a turtle, a T-block, and what ever other funny Gameboy references you can think off ;)
@Julius : well no doubt a pogo stick could be a great weapon against a golem but I didn't think it sticks to the atmosphere of this tileset ;)
Right now, I'm drawing 8 armor sprites.
Current projects = DETHLANDS (4-bit Metal-platformer) + LOKI'S BREED (shmup)
skill icons please, if you still have time for this tileset