Bug: "Allow later license versions" is not honored
Bug: "Allow later license versions" is not honored
Monday, November 19, 2012 - 16:29
Whenever I submit art after unchecking the "Allow later license versions" checkbox, the submission nevertheless states "The authors of this content agree to license it under later versions of the licenses they selected above.". That statement only goes away after another edit.
I also notice that many entries in the LPC art collection seem to allow later versions, even ones which are obviously based on the LPC base assets. And the file COPYING from the LPC base assets did not allow later versions for art. Hence I assume that those flags were also set unvoluntarily.
Huh. Are the base assets supposed to not allow for later versions?
It may have been a mistake. I'd personally prefer to allow them. I'll talk to paroneayea and see about fixing it (although for the time being, for legal reasons, assume the COPYING file is correct).
Also, I'll try to get the bug on the form fixed. I'm doing a bit of an OGA code marathon today (for the first time in quite a while) so hopefully I'll be able to get to it shortly.
The bug is still present.
Please, don't underestimate the bug's severity: It implies that one cannot expect "or later" information on OGA submissions to be valid.
You're right.
As I don't have time to fix it right now, I've removed it from the display version of the form. In any case, since we don't know which ones were checked intentionally and which ones weren't, once it is fixed I'm going to have to void out the data and ask artists to to back and select it if they want (time allowing, I'll create a button that will allow artists to do this to all of their work in one go).
(Having it be potentially incorrect is far worse than not having it at all.)