Bug: minicore graphical artifacts
Bug: minicore graphical artifacts
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 - 04:24
Using (AmigaOS) Flare 0.18 and minicore I see some strange effects that weren't there in 0.17 (though that was compiled with gcc 4.2.4 which no longer works). They are evident in the early stages: character screen and the first map. Although the player character for example, has that blotchy look. I also tried 640 by 480 window size.
(Compare with 0.17)
The problem at the login screen occurs, when there are some graphics missing in the minicore, but are part of the fantasycore mod. However here are the exact same files in both the fantasycore and the minicore mod, so it works when checking out the version from the git repository.
Which hat/head are you using? Would you mind posting your save file?
Which version of flare are you using? (i.e. cloned from git, or downloaded at http://www.flarerpg.org/)
I can confirm the problem with the npcs, I'll look into it.
The bugfix for the npcs is pending at https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-game/pull/293
Files from git on 2013-03-31.
> Files from git on 2013-03-31.
This may explain the problem, there have been some last minute fixes to the minicore mod that day.
Usually the minicore is neglected during development and fixed and synced just shortly before the actual release, so maybe you're missing some commits. The latest commit changing data of the minicore mod was 20086c6b9230acb36e3e038df152aef7e085375d which was 2013-03-31 16:15:04
Using git there is the tagged v0.18 version, which should have repaired the head issue, or the branch 'branch0.18' which also includes the fixes to the npcs.