Can Flare crafting be upgraded and with many different NPCs with different skill sets and with ~'risky recipes'?

Can Flare crafting be upgraded and with many different NPCs with different skill sets and with ~'risky recipes'?

WithinAmnesia's picture

Can Flare crafting be upgraded and many different N.P.C.s with different skill sets and with ~'risky recipes'? Does anyone around here have any ideas on how to improve / expand the crafting system to support hundred of recipes with ~thousands of possible ingredient combinations?  I am hoping to make Flare able to compete / be on par with crafting expectations of other grand scale R.P.G.s while not being too unrealistic to implement.

I got thinking in this comment for a similar vein of thought for how to improve the Flare crafting system: +

1.) Can a list of available recipes for the specific crafting N.P.C. be within the same window as the crafting grid; a scroll-able N.P.C. available recipe list on the left-most side?
2.) Can the crafting ingredients grid area be embiggened into something like a ~7x7 grid on the right-most side; up from the 4 square area?
3.) Can an ~infinite scroll-able ingredients list in the middle of menu be made to work to vastly increase the crafting menu depth?
4.) Can X amount of Currency (I use Copper) work as a crafting ingredient along side ~regular trade-skill materials / ingredients?
5.) Can there be different standardized sets of possible crafting recipe ~lists offered by different NPCs; e.g. a blacksmith, tailor, carver etc.?
6.) Can the crafting recipe output / reward also be a loot table / list system where there are arbitrary chances at different items on the loot list; to facilitate 'risky' recipes that act almost like Diablo II gambling where a chance system is used as a currency sink?*
*Also this 'risky recipe' system gives nigh-infinite replayability/versatility of enjoying content where every trade-skill relevant item can be potentially used to 'gamble' / craft upwards. Almost like in Path of Exile and Diablo II where items can be upgraded via crafting but at a ~large/great costs / lots of re-rolling from 'base' items.