Can somebody give me advice on UI usability?
Can somebody give me advice on UI usability?
Saturday, April 4, 2015 - 01:33
After explaining main game options for 14 minutes tutorial I understand that the UI must be changed (simplified and made more obvious).
This is the project: (screenshots and video tutorial)
I'm going to completely redesign the interface and:
1. Drag-n-drop for items.
2. Change 'shift' and 'ctrl' for context menu (plus to make Android-friendly).
3. Reduce text information and make everything as graphic as possible.
But I'm quiet a noob in this question, so I may miss an important chung. What else should be done here? Maybe even to hide backpack, log, ground items, etc. into submenus...?
For the start page:
Perhaps a really simple start option - where all those options you current have are defaulted to simple/quick settings (e.g. small map) and hidden.
Then have an advanted button - clicking advanced will take you to your current start page - which also has a toggle/checkbox allowing the user to start with this screen.
This will allow newbies to start your game without being overwhelmed with options - but a more experienced player will likely want to always start with these options to tweak before starting.
Main Game GUI:
This doesn't look like you could simplify it much - your suggestions above about reducing text information etc is probably the right idea.
Hopefully someone with a better GUI brain than me can help you though.