Hi all!
Just finished my submission for the Summer 2017 Game Jam!
To keep track of all the assets I used and give them proper credits, I used the 'Download Credits File' feature of the Collections sytem.
First off, let me say it was awesome! I thought it was a pretty good idea when the system was added, but using it I can say it is a GREAT idea! It works really well, is simple to do and the CREDITS.TXT file did indeed save me a ton of time when making the credits for the game.
Just one small request:
It would be great if the assets were sorted by category in the CREDITS.TXT file.
Currently they seem to be sorted by the order they were added to the collection. For me, I always break my credits into categories: 'Graphics', 'Music', 'SoundFX', etc. so I ended up manually shuffling the entries around in the CREDITS.TXT file. It wasn't a big deal but it'd be great if they came sorted that way, unless someone knows a good use for the FIFO style?
Also, is there a way to remove items from a collection? what about removing an entire collection?
one thing I did was create a collection for stuff I thought might work in the game, then I went back through and created a second collection of the stuff that I actually ended up using. So the first collection was kind of only meant to temporary, but now I don't see a way to delete it.