Compiling with code::blocks/vc++
Compiling with code::blocks/vc++
Thursday, March 29, 2012 - 21:59
yeah i'm noob and I have no idea how to run the cmake or configure sdl, anyone can create a tutorial? not necessarily have to be code :: blocks, i have vc + + express 2008 ... I have wanted to learn. if you give me a hand
anyone can help me compile in windows? :/
This is how I compile Flare using Code::Blocks on Windows 7.
Firstly install the Code::Blocks IDE, found here ->
Next you will need the SDL development && the runtime libraries. ->
Also you may need to update your mingw. ->
Once you have those installed you need to create a project and add all the flare files to it, then dont forget to link to SDL, SDL_image, SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer.
If you get stuck you can use my project files. ->
If you use my project files, you wont need to use cmake. ;)
Hope this helps you some.
Thank you dude, a lot!, but i have a question, can u share SDL, SDLmain, SDL_inage. SDL_ttf, SDL_mixer? becouse i have somes errors when i try to compile (22 errors!), but i don't know why :/
Here screenshot
Where it says "undefined reference: WidgetTabControl:..." what is the rest of that text?
Note that it's very possible that some of these errors are "bugs" in our CMakeLists.txt file, which is often maintained/updated by people who only work in Linux. We'd like to clear these up.