dancing skill
dancing skill
Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:38
How about a nonsens-skilltree?
one skill could be te ability to dance.
So wasting 1 point to this skill makes your character beeing able to dance while standing.
Wasting 2 points gives the character the ability to dance while walking.
3 point: dance while runnning
4points: dance while fighting.
At the end the charakter can dance all the time. In an _action_rpg! :D
Maybe one can make a second bonussystem where one gains points that are meant to be spent in the nonsense-skilltree.
An other skill could be the ability to fart. So the more points you waste, the more and harder the character farts.
Such idea was implemented in Realms of Arkania. 90% of a few dozens of skills/spells were absolutely or nearly useless... Some of the effects are really not seen ingame even after studying the manual.
You might like (according to your description) to discern between "useful" and "aesthetic" skills. There is some reasonable point in this.