Doom Guy Head Health
Doom Guy Head Health
Thursday, December 1, 2016 - 05:36
One of the things I've always been impressed with the original doom series was the head on the hud to give you an indicator of your health and if you were being attacked (and on which side) or if you were in fact dead.
Has anyone posted their own version of this head? I'm not sure what search terms to use to try and find this on this site.
I wouldn't know either, search HUDs or health GUI maybe, if anything you would of brought it to someone's attention having this thread. Maybe il have a go sometime.
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
I don't think there is anything here - I've done a search for "head" as well as "health" and gone through every page.
Oh well, not to worry, I'll do something that isn't a head.
If your project is compatible with Modified BSD, you may want to take a look at the version from the Freedoom Project.