Events types/properties
Events types/properties
Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 10:01
Hi all,
Could you, please, write a short reference doc about event types / properties ( on_load, run_once, msg, on_clear ...).
For example I try to display a msg on the hud each time the character walk on a square ( let's say, display graveyards epitaph when the character stand in front of the grave).
If I put "run_once" the msg is of course displayed only once.
If I put "run_always" the msg is displayed many times while the character stand in the square.
But browsing the source code I didn't find any event type such as "on_enter".
Any clue ?
Good question. We don't really have such an event type, but we absolutely should add one.
In this particular case, you may consider this workaround: You could make it so the player has to click on the grave to see the message.
We're working on Tutorials now. I think we're all realizing that now is a great time to compile references and tutorials, even for ourselves as we plan to build final game content.
I started to write which will evolve over the next time. I'll try to address that question there. "Which kind of types are available?"
Sorry to up this old thread.
I didn't have a close look to 0.19 engine, yet.
Just saw in release notes that event manager has been heavily updated.
Please, could you update the page
with new functionalities ?
Many thanks.
please see where the events are also described.
This file was automatically generated using the scripts at, so it definitely is in sync with the source code comments. However I noticed some attributes were (re?-)moved, so I wonder if we forgot to comment something in the source.
The changes I did to that article can be found as a diff in this git repo
I will check if the map files article can be merged into this one, or can be deleted.