Expendable ~'ammunition' / limited use weapon / attack buffs. What are the options?
Expendable ~'ammunition' / limited use weapon / attack buffs. What are the options?
"How can ammunition be added in flare is it possible or is it quite clunky? If so is it just one item for say 'arrows'? If ammunition was added I would like it to have the option to have different types (bronze arrows, iron arrows, steel arrows etc.) Also the possibility of magical ammunition such as http://mikesrpgcenter.com/bgate/ranged.html with say Ice arrows deal extra ~'cold' damage but are limited / more expensive so a player can chose to 'load up' / buff up before a challenging fight to increase their fighting odds. Could this be done with a common ammunition type but it is equip-able like weapons / armour and gives +stats when equipped yet how would you prevent melee / magic / other non-ranged from getting +cold damage when it is only meant for ranged?
Also if expendable ammunition could be made to work the system could lend it self to other weapon types like melee with say flaming oil where every melee attack get extra ~'fire' damage but with limited amounts of attacks / charges. How could this be done? Would each item that adds weapon damage have to be a clone of the base attack ability but with extra related features but with limited stacking uses / 'charges' like kind of like potions and scrolls? Or is there a way to passively add to a select base attack ability (strike, shoot, channel etc.) in a limited use way once an item is equipped? Whereas a player equips say 'Acid Arrows' but there are x87 of them so every shot had added ~'acid' damage but the stack of x87 Acid Arrows is drained by 1 every time / shot? Could there be ~3 quiver slots that are drain in a predictable order such as slot 1, 2 then 3? Could multiple types of 'ammunition' be carried for say Arrows or Bolts and only bows would drain arrows equipped and not the Bolts; even when the bolts are equipped? Could the base ranged shoot ability have infinite arrows (as it currently does) but enhanced arrows are limited?
Could all of this be simplified into abilities and talents and or limited use items (like scrolls and potions) that just grant a buff that is drained with every ranged only or melee only or ranged and melee but not magic etc attacks? Could ~'flaming weapon oil' be made like a potion / scroll but it grants a passive buff to all attacks in dealing extra ~'fire' damage to all attacks but over a limited amount of time across all attacks but on a limited time basis to have it work roughly the same gameplay wise yet to vastly simplify everything mechanically and use existing systems? What kind of mechanic options are there for ammunition / ~'limited expendable weapon power boosters'?" - Formal thread for tangent / off-topic question from: https://opengameart.org/forumtopic/dual-wielding-animations-and-mechanic... .