Flare Alpha Update Hack
Flare Alpha Update Hack
Sunday, April 7, 2013 - 15:51
Hello everybody Today I'm Putting My Hack To Download
how to use? simple just put the Hack Update Folder Flare and Run it, run it vai After the blacksmith and even sells some items he will give enough money this hack was done in assembly OllyDbg
Olá pessoal Hoje eu estou colocando o meu corte Para Baixar
como usar? simples, basta colocar o Hack alargamento pasta de atualização e executá-lo, execute-Vai Após o ferreiro e até vende alguns itens que ele vai dar dinheiro suficiente este hack foi feito em conjunto OllyDbg
Soon I'll post the video for you to see How the Hack
a cheatengine file would be nicer though
Cheat engine tried to give more not too sure
...why in the heck would you hack the binary in Assembly, when you could just open your plaintext save file and add a bunch of zeroes?
Edit: Besides the obvious CHALLENGE of it.
My guess is he's used to closed source games where even single player saves have strange proprietary formats.
I thought the save file was binary formatted. Never ever looked inside the file, and used cheatengine instead.
Souren and as said, I'm used to Single Player Games