Flare Artwork

Flare Artwork

Hey! I've been looking at the source for a few weeks and its really well writen. I love it. I'm trying to make a java rpg game and this has helped me tremendously, I havent copied code, just before I saw flare, I had no idea how the internals of an rpg worked. All the manager classes and everything, I had no idea to do that sort of stuff.

Anyways, I really like the flare art style. Its similar to Diablo 2. I was wondering if you could do a short timelapse or something of you making a piece of art for flare? Like some weapons or some tiles or something, I am not that good with blender. Also, do you make the textures for the models yourself or do you get the textures from people here on opengameart? I know you have some tutorial on the flare website for setting up blender to render isometric tiles, but that doesnt show you actually making one :) Idk, its just a suggestion.


About diablo 2. Arent most of the maps randomly generated? Do you think they had a class for every single type of generator, for each map in the game? Or would they have made a scripting thing like flare for adding new items but its a generator so that they could make new maps easily? Is that planned for flare in the future?