Flare development enviroment
Flare development enviroment
Hello everyone.
I would like to know the enviroment in which flare is been created.
Operating System, Ram, CPU, VideoCard, ... compilers, IDEs,... Detailed information about.
Thank you.
Hello everyone.
I would like to know the enviroment in which flare is been created.
Operating System, Ram, CPU, VideoCard, ... compilers, IDEs,... Detailed information about.
Thank you.
Most of Flare was developed on a 2008 unibody 13" MacBook (the run before they started calling them MacBook Pro). http://www.laptopmag.com/review/laptops/apple-macbook-2008.aspx
I also have a newish Windows desktop machine that I do some Flare development on. Okay I use it mostly for gaming; I bought it when my laptop couldn't run Diablo 3 very well. It's a cheap NewEgg PC http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883229285
I also have two systems that I do development on, neither of which are a fancy as Clint's. I use the same software setup on both:
As for hardware, here's my desktop:
And my laptop:
Although not a FLARE developer, I compile FLARE at least once a week, probably since around v0.09ish... (google code days)
Looking at the specs of my laptop, I suddenly find myself salivating at the idea of a shiny new PC....:P
Well, i see very different platforms.
It is time to compile. Thank you all, and wish me luck !!
void main ()
char *DIII = "R3AL5HIT";