Flare Lets Play and Feedback
Flare Lets Play and Feedback
It is long ago when I played flare last time, so I decided to make a lets play of flare 1.11 on peertube Here is the first part: https://video.ploud.fr/videos/watch/9940ca91-1073-4b90-9089-532c28ae71df And now some feedback / ideas 1: more variety of music, especially for the boss levels (I didn't finish the game yet, but I played an older version in the past and checked the source files) 2: improvements to the weapon system, like upgrade-able weapons, could be combined with the new alchemy system. Or something like weapons that break after time when used 3: Stronger enemies in previous areas after a boss is defeated, some quests force you to go back, while the enemies there are too weak for you. 4: I would love to see a few more quests
EDIT: the old peertube server is dead, I re-uploaded all on a new server and changed the link here...
Nice. You were a bit under-leveled for the Seagate fight, but still managed well. I usually try to be around level 4-5 there.
One of the reasons we keep the low level enemies when returning to old areas is to let the player see how much their character has improved. Maybe we could try mixing in some higher level enemies when those specific quests are active.
yeah, I almost died... and I really had no deaths up to now...and i am coming close to the second boss (still need to level up now...)
part 2 and 3 is out:
part 4 and 5 are out:
including my first death in this game XD... and the only one up to now...
Also my inventory gets full very fast now, this will become more extreme when more items (alchemy craft items) are added. I like the idea that you have 2 or 3 inventory categories (for example: craft items, quest items, other). Another idea I had is, that you start with a smaller inventory and you have to upgrade to get more slots
The old peertube instance is dead / down , I have re-uploaded it on another server: see https://video.ploud.fr/search?tagsOneOf=flare