$12256 / $11500
Hello, im newbie flare player and im just done ale quest for guy near mine, i discover abaddon tower and destroy goblins in their camp, now i dont have more quest in first village, i was explore ancient temple too, but i dont know what im supossed to do now ? i was searching for new places but cant find.
I have only 2 circles/teleports as can u see, so where can i found next "waypoints", new mission, new things ?
Hi Arsen12
there is not a lot of "quest". Im talking about an npc telling you to do something and turn back to get a reward.
Martigan tell you to kill the skel in the mine, after you have to check the tower in the White wind, and the last thing that he tell you is to find a guy in Ydrakka pass. The both first quest give a reward. But finding the guy in Ydrakka pass open a new npc/quest/reward.
To find the White wind map you have to go on the left of the screen, just follow the cliff from the frontier outpost and you will find a small goblin camp, and some zombie near the point to the new map.
To find the Ydrakka pass, after the frontier outpost, go on the right of the screen, you see the river until a bridge, go there, and go straight and you will find new monsters (something like baby spider) there are a lot, its a good exp point. So from the brigde its like you go up on your screen. And now you are in Ydrakka pass, you will find the lost tower (new quest) and near the tower a teleporter to the outpost frontier, via the warpzone ofc.
To find the last teleporter it will be a spoiler, the best is to play, if you dont find i will tell you. And another spoiler is, there is a guys who sell all the best items in the game, you have to find him and save him. But nobody ask you to do it.
Have fun
Thank you Rem, it is what i was asking, i dont see that pass before, but now i reach new location so i can start play again, thanks :)