For Science: Art for Crowd Simulation game

For Science: Art for Crowd Simulation game

Hi everyone,

I'm a computer science graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and we've started working on a prototype for a game that demonstrates some of our technology for simulating crowds. Information on the game, along with the (rough) prototype, can be found here (requires Unity plug-in):


We would ideally like to develop this game to the point where it's (a) fun and (b) marketable so that we can demonstrate the usability of the technology in other game settings. We would like to expand the gameplay and we need a bunch of art assets for menus, different colored sheep, fences, terrain markers, etc.

I'm not familiar with lisencing practices, so all I can offer is credit for the artwork wherever the art that is used appears. People are, of course, free to use the game as an example of their work or otherwise. Unfortunately, restrictions from the legal dept at UNC prevent me from making the code open source, but the underlying technology can be found using links from the one I gave above.

If you're at all interested in helping out or perhaps have any links or references to give, please feel free to contact me via PM.


- Pavel