Today I got caught totally off guard as I was gifted the game Aquaria from icculus. The story: I offered 15€ worth of BTC but was humbly asked to keep them. "Thanks, but keep the Bitcoin. :)". This I interpret meaning that my enthusiasm counts much more than my money.
As I was given this gift I would also like to give a gift by letting somebody create or build upon/improve some CC0 art that has been contributed(or can be contributed) to the Flare RPG game.
Last time I 'contracted' Dread Knight for Flare Buckler Improved for 1BTC(~15 - ~16 USD). Maybe I gave too much but still I'm happy, though this time I wanna be more sure of what something may be worth so I can feel, and the artist can feel, this art is worth it.
What I need help with is if you have any ideas of what could be worth ~15€ of open game art in Flare RPG? Maybe it is hard to tell because going strictly for CC0 art may limit the work one can do.
Well have a look at it the other way round: If you're an artist, who doesn't share the enthusiasm about flare, then creating art is just work you're getting paid for. And how long would you work for 15 Eur? If you'd think of average wages you come up with roughly a time span of a few minutes up to 2 hours, depending on the actual wage being paid.
So most of the contributions to flare happen voluntarily, so there is no money pressure on these contributions.
For such smaller amounts of money I'd actually recommend donating it to Clint directly at
(paypal and flattr, no bitcoin as of now). Clint usually collects the money and commissions it in larger chunks to artists, who will then deliver a complete piece of work.
If you are strictly speaking about bitcoin, this site (opengameart) may be worth donating to, as it accepts bitcoins.
And opengameart here is very helpful to the flare project in my opinion. (Though the donation would be not used for flare directly, but for keeping the site up or concept art or other art, but you get the spirit)
Modeling takes a lot of time and skill, if I have under 2 hours of time, I do not even start, you more likely need a half or a whole day for a model and many who are amateur or do not have much freetime work on a model for days or maybe a week.
On average wages a simple high quality model would be at least 100€ , so the commercial way is quite expensive.