Hexagonal land tile for a web based wargame

Hexagonal land tile for a web based wargame


I've already post here http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/hexagonal-land-tile-request-for-a-web-based-wargame, but as I'm ready to give a little payement in exchange, posting here may be a good option...

I've never hire any graphist before and I've no idea of how much my demands could cost. So before starting, please tell me your conditions (licence, price, payement, whatever...)
If price is reasonable for a good quality, I've similar needs for the same game. 

My needs:
a set of 7 hexagon tile 77*40 (but we can discuss about size) that represent: montain, plain, marsh & reef at high and low tide and sea (optional as my own is good enouth). general theme is desert.
As it is for a wargame, it have to be very readable and I want a good integration with units (designed with blender)

an idea of what it may look:

contact: admin at fullmetalgalaxy.com