How do you handle graphics' parsing?
How do you handle graphics' parsing?
First of all I'm fan of your art work, it's amazing. I would like to develop an isometric game for both graduation and practice purposes and I would like to use the art work of flare. I'm reading articles about isometric rendering and doing practices etc., however, I couldn't find any source about parsing the big graphic files into the game. As far as I know there are some different colored pixels that are indicating starting and finishing point, ancohor point etc. but I believe you have no such markings in your tileset files. I searched the forum but couldn't find any particular solution. I checked TileSet.cpp but again I couldn't figure out how you handled it. I don't know if you discuss such technical issues in this forum especially if it's loosely coupled with flare's development but I would appreciate if I can get a little help from you.
Thank you in advance.
edit: Sorry for double post. Please delete one of the posts.
kintantee, you'll notice there are files inside the tilesetdefs folder that have data describing each tile's dimensions. The tiles are then made by loading the rectangles defined by the tilesetdef.
I wrote up this tutorial, hope you find it useful:
Thank you ! I might consider doing a collision info for types of tiles.