I Really Need a Rooftop

I Really Need a Rooftop

Triangle Ace Studio's picture

Okay, so I have a game- actually, I have info on the game in this document, which you are free to comment on and to suggest ideas:



This game needs to be done by mid February. I don't know if I'll be able to get it done... Anyways, two things. I need a rooftop and pronto. Second thing: Tell me opinions and suggestions. Thanks!!!!!!


PS I am using LibGDX, Java, and Eclipse IDE to code it.



Size:1980x1020 or just a bit larger

2D/Pixel Artish... Not... Well, lets just say this and I'll work with what I get.

IDK what Vector is so...........

I mean, I'm not very good at explaining how I want things. I have a bit of background on the game in the url, maybe you could figure out a better way for the cieling to be..........





Triangle Ace Studios