I'm making a build-your-own-sprite tool, would love some guidance

I'm making a build-your-own-sprite tool, would love some guidance

Hi folks,

I've been working for a year on the Tuxemon project, to make an open source monster catching game.

We have heaps of overland sprites, which are 16 px wide by 24 px tall, in a "chibi" style. 

They're actually very similar in style to the LPC sprites, although half the size and with many fewer animations!

I would like to create a template, similar premise to the LPC one (although done manually), for our sprites (and for others to use, of course). 

Here's some example spritesheets:  Here's two implementations:

My questions for you folks are:

  1. Does the base look good? Are there changes I should make to make the animation smoother or to make it look better?
  2. What things would you like to see added?
  3. What do you think of the project in general?

(Hats are from Catch Challenger).