Looking for artist to help me with Android RPG project

Looking for artist to help me with Android RPG project

The project in question is in a late stage of developing. At early stage of development i had an artist partner who helped me for a while but basicly forgot about me after a while.

What I need is somebody who is talented with Tiled and can make nice 100x100 tile worlds. (32x32 pixel tilesets prefered)

I would also apriciate somebody who want to invent NPCs, quests, Bosses, items, weapons, armors. (since it will be an open world RPG)

The game engine itself is written from scratch by me in AS3. The target devices are Android/IOS smartphones and will be a single player RPG but if needed it can be turned to online Multiplayer trough some native technologies.

if you are interested in colaborating you can e-mail me at: mttpro.tera@gmail.com
