Looking for pixel art of wild plants for my botanically accurate RPG
Looking for pixel art of wild plants for my botanically accurate RPG
I am making a game called Sticks and Stones, a primitive survival RPG.
currently it is playable here: https://jpchaufan.github.io/
but Im still definitely not done.
I love plants and work with plants for a living, and do programming as a hobby. So I really want to have a semi-realistic plant system.
plant growth can be predicted by growing degree day calculations. so I have included these calculations when determining the growth of plants in the game.
Right now, I am using a LPC plants spritesheet from https://opengameart.org/content/lpc-farming-tilesets-magic-animations-an...
but it only has domesticated plants, like corn and tomatoes. I've added so far 1 wild plant, cattails, which are simple to draw. But I am hoping to include many wild plants in the game.
I want to have at least a few plants each for uses like fiber, medicine, and poison, and of course wild food plants. Ideally the player learns some actual botany and wilderness survival from playing.
plants like yarrow, nettles, plantain, milkweed, mullein, lambs-quarters, jerusalem artichoke, dandelion, dock, comfrey, clovers, hemlock, camas, etc.
I am also hoping to include some perenial plants, like trees and bushes. My game includes seasonality, so I would need versions of each plant fitting for each season. (aka for fall and winter)
right now, I only have pine trees and apple trees. I would love to include a variety of wild trees and shrubs, for food, medicine, etc, like walnuts, sumac, elderberries, cedars, willows, currants, gooseberries, etc.
I don't know if anyone would be interested in this project... I am doing it as a hobby, but it has advanced far beyond the original scope, and I might try and sell it. But i cannot promise anything, and cannot promise any compensation. I'm just throwing this out there.
Interesting game you got, right now it seems like a more primitive version of Factorio, and while it's a little bit confusing at first (like for example knowing that you have to stand still to craft stuff) it was quite fun to go around hunting rats for a couple of days :)
The plant idea seems interesting and unique to me, as (let's face it) most games in this genre don't feature a very realistic agricultural system. I think it's a good idea to give the player a little taste of the hardships and challenges invoved in actual farming, rather than just things popping out of the ground magically (my own game is guilty of this, even)
It's too bad that your main character looks so blurry though. It really detracts from the look of the game, which looks ok otherwise. Some sound effects would also help making the game better I think, I don't really think music is too necessary for a game like this, but ambient sounds like the rustling of leaves and the wind would provide a nice touch ^^
Sadly I don't think I can help much with your drawing, plants is one of my weakest points next to vehicles and buildings :P
But hopefully this little bit of feedback still proves marginally useful or helpful to you! Best of luck!
Hey, you're using my apple trees! :D
If you're going for LPC style, my colony survival game uses that graphics set, and I was planning on something similar for plants / survival (though I was going to make a really big deal out of cannabis, given its bajillion real-life uses.) So we've got some similar goals?
There's cattails already in the LPC set: this atlas, near the bottom right. It also has a sprouting coconut and a growth cycle for something that looks kind of like hay or straw? A couple kinds of mushrooms, too. This plant repack has a small selection of trees from the others; I'd use the pink ones for cherry.
Those aside, I'd be interested in making a few accurate-to-real-life things, I think, but only if the LPC style was continued, so I could use it, too. Note that it'll be hard to be too close, since this is pixel art.
You should checkout openclipart.org lots of plants:) All CC-Zero and free to use for any purpose
You can reach me at this site:)
Oh wow thats awesome about your apple trees! I was really happy to find a tree like that with all seasons.
Really the graphics style i am going for is any one i can get. I like the LPC because its available and not too hard for someone like me to make little modifications.
Thanks for the resources youre sharing. I was considering to try and pass some of the 'normal' veggies as wild ones, being that, like you said, it is just pixel art, and a pepper plant could probably pass for some berry bushes
Play my unfinished game, sticks and stones, a primitive survival sandbox rpg
Thanks Kir! I am hoping to add music at the end, theres still a lot more features I want to add. I live and work on a farm and love to spend time in the woods, so its a real bummer to me that no game really captures nature like it is.
Play my unfinished game, sticks and stones, a primitive survival sandbox rpg
Hyptosis also has a fair amount of plants and shrubs, if you want to 'decide' what things are and go from there with filler art.
I've made some plant specific repacks of this submission and this CC0 submission a little while ago, which I'll add on for you:
Also, some rocks from the same source, while I'm at it:
I'm not sure how folks feel about offsite recommendations here, but for plants I've enjoyed working with some of Ayene-chan's pixel art. She clearly states that her resources are available for free use with credit, even commercially (https://ayene-chan.deviantart.com/). Please note that she posts both fully original and derived works, make sure to stick with the fully original works such as the following:
I see your character looks similar to one I just posted! :) If you want to use mine instead you can! Also has 4-directional walking and will be working on some animations for him :)
Cool project so far!