Lowpoly Car UV Texture Skins for Trigger Rally [Linux, Windows]
Lowpoly Car UV Texture Skins for Trigger Rally [Linux, Windows]
We at Trigger Rally (free download for Linux and Windows) need new UV maps for three .obj car models (.zip) that are not based on proprietary/trademark-protected image data for legal reasons.
For each of the models we need you to:
- (Optional) Fix the car's UV map (some polygons are not properly placed on the texture map).
- Make a layered (.psd, .svg or .xcf) UV map texture (at least 1024px) for the car.
Useful existing resources:
- Car underside textures on OGA.
- Basic .svg UV maps for the default unwrap.
- Model of Ford with fixed UV template.
- Tires are in own .obj files but should use the same texture.
- You can see the old models/textures in Car Selection video.
- The old UV maps are Seat Cordoba, Ford Focus, Mitsubishi Evolution.
- Do not use identical colors (but you do not have to change palettes completely either).
- The car models have about 650 tris.
- Please upload to OpenGameArt and use cc-by-sa3, gpl2, gpl3 and "later versions allowed" as license (let us know if that is a problem).
- When exporting .obj files, consider the restrictions (section "Content Creation").
- Feel free to come up with fictional trademark logos (do not use real ones) but keep them in a separate layer, please.
You can contact me via email: qubodup@gmail.com
Hello qubodup,
To make things easer, I've created a simple python script to extract the UV map from the trigger vehicles models (.ase format) and save it on a .png file.
The script is here: http://dnt.dnteam.org/trigger/trigger_model_uv_map.py
The created (2048x2048) uvmaps for each vehicle models are (already merged with respectve wheel models):
The EVO model seems to have a few strange vertex uv (maybe it's a bug on the model or on the script itself, as I've quickly written it).
The script is licensed in GPLv3 or latter.
Hope it's helpfull...
Thanks a lot, farrer! I will have some fun drawing now!
It would be very helpful if somebody with skill would try to finish this task though :)
I was told the format is a bit different from what the ending lets assume, perhaps that created extra tris.
Just for fun, and to test the uv-map, I've created a simple texture for the "focus" model: http://opengameart.org/content/simple-car-textures
It isn't a ford focus (as I suppose that the idea is to remove all possible brand references or other type of copyrighted material).
As it's the first time I've created a texture using only inkscape, it's very low quality, but maybe could be a placeholder to remove the dubious copyrighted file from Trigger.
Anyway, I haven't this kind of fun since the 90s when doing "car paints" at 1994 Papyrus Nascar game (and, as you can see, my texture is as bad as a '94 game texture created by a ~10 year old child should be).
EDIT: Added a texture to the "seat-mesh" too. Same link.
Here's the horrible things I have drawn :) Although the golden tire is OK I'd say. Feel free to use anything attached under cc0/publicdomain.
download xcf/svg/svg here
A thought: when the Suzanne (blender mascot) model/kart was added to STK, I realized that the underside of the kart is very pretty (wooden planks) and there is a whole little nieche space to explore inracing games when your car flips over. You might not be able to control the car any more but you can explore the details of the underside,which otherwise you would never see. (google image search for car bottom for references).
If in the endwe have textures which the trigger team will approve of being committed but they have plain undersides, I'll have some fun trying to create a bit of mechanical complexity there. :)
Based on the SVG model provided by farrer, I made this wheel for the "seat" file. I will post some vector when I have a bit more done. What do you think about it? I don't know but to me it doesn't feel too realistic. :P
@Lazza: It's definitely an improvement!
The model is very simple and there are no effects.. By faking some kind of reflection it might be possible to make it look more realistic..in any case, inspiration material: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Tires_for_automobile_racing
I've added the remaining basic texture (the evo-vehicle mesh). It's rudimentar and somewhat ugly, as are the other ones: http://opengameart.org/content/simple-car-textures
@qubodup:The original textures have underside details, but they are so hard to do (at least for a non-skilled person like me), that I just forgot them.
@Lazza: Much better wheel. Maybe with some light effects or the inner rays more similar to a metal material and it'll be even better (don't know how to do that in inkscape, or even if it's possible)...
Anyway, that's all my limited texture-maker knowledge can do for Trigger-Rally (just a final question: Is it a fork of the old Trigger game or just a revival? It still makes me feel like an airplane game when the car leaves the floor... maybe with motorbikes instead of cars and it'll have a more realistic feel =^D ).
It's the same project. :)
I took the chance to make a quick facelift to the EVO-texture.
Added some shading, mud, stickers, commercials and provocative text.
Thanks, it is another improvement!
I tested it in-game: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYakTHyC278
And I created a simpler version without writing and logos (except for fictional car brand) to test it also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_5_XV5xUHs
Your use of layers and masks made it easy to make changes!
PS: Mailing list discussion about this
Try "," and "." keys in game... ;)
Funny recording however. :)
BTW there is a minor issue with the texture/uv-mapping:
The other side of the car model uses a mirrored version - bad for text and logos.
@hc: good improvements!
By the way, the mirrored side is why I've defined all textures with symetric numbers (00, 8 and 88)...
I wouldn't mind giving some textures a shot unless you have now got everything you need but I don't quite get how the uv maps link together,
are the models blend files and if so could you upload them, that way I can test out textures myself until they look resonable?!
I'm afraid the 3d model is not in a common format, though since farrer managed to open it, it might be possible to work around?... or re-create?... I will ask on the mailing list for support on working with the format.
If you can edit/import 3ds(?) .ase files, here is one of them: http://trigger-rally.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/trigger-rally/data/vehicles/seat/seat.ase?view=log (press 'download')
Further enhancements or versions of the car skins would be definitely welcome. :)
Here's from the bug tracker:
Trigger uses a custom 3D mesh format (derived from 3DS Max ASC format) so
replacement would be hard, but I'm confident that the mesh assets are
original works. It's also likely that they differ from their real-world
counterparts sufficiently to avoid infringement.
@farrer: Since you worked with the file format, do you have ideas about making the models editable or how to import them into blender?
I just found an ase2obj script and it seems to work! (at least for the models, not sure about the UV mappings)
I converted the models and uploaded them here in a zip.
As for the UV maps, see my first post and farrer's first post in this thread.
Hope this helps!
@qubodup: A blender import/export script would not be too hard to do, as the .ase files are easy to understand with the help of trigger's load and render code. As you found a converter to .obj, I believe a script to convert back from .obj to .ase should do the trick (it's important, as I believe the uvmaps are bad on lot of places - for example: you can't do backlights on the model's rear AND side, as real cars, without editing two distinct and not at the same scale places of the texture!). If a blender export script already exists, better.
I finished a texture for the focus: http://opengameart.org/content/trigger-rally-focustexture
I've uploaded the blend file as the UV maps had gone strange in the obj file I used, or at least they were incomprehensible to me, so hopefully you are able to use my textures with my altered UV layout?!
If not, I would be able to render the model from all the same angles as the ford focus images you shared in your first post and you should therefore still be able to use them :D
hopefully they are of use
@Scribe thanks a lot and I'm curious how this texture looks in-game but I'm not sure how to get it into the game. I will probably have to try out an .ase Blender exporter or perhaps it's trivial to use .obj files, rather than .ase ones. Perhaps somebody on the mailing list will have ideas for that.
Scribe: it would be helpful if you could render the car so we have the original texture layout again.
I found a nice public domain "look under a car" photo and created a texture usable for an UV map: bottom-under-side-view-of-car-public-domain-texture
hc: thanks for telling me about , and . ... I spent so much time driving around smallswirl to tryto get some angles for testing :)
I used hc's dirty (but cleanly layered) .xcf to make some changes. I will probably go back to farrer's svg to change the color though.
it has been quite a while but I finally got round to rendering the model from the different angles, though I don't know if they will be useful, I hope so!
check them out here!
Hey Scribe,
thanks, I quickly tried the skin using simple copy-paste. Quite like it!
Now I'll have to weight manually editing the UV map against changing the UV coordinates against adding a .OBJ model import function.. :)
PS: ...against finding a way to convert .OBJ to .ASE.
I started by trying to save trigger-rally-focustexture as an .obj file in blender and then convert to .ase using ivcon (compiled with "gcc ivcon.c -lm -o ivcon").
The result was a file with only one GEOMOBJECT. The focus.ase file in Trigger has 15 GEOMOBJECTs and it has more subitems, which might be UV map-related.
For creating new .ase files, the in-game .ase files need to be inspected and the export of the .obj files need to be adjusted accordingly (hopefully the conversion to .ase will work without problems). Help from somebody experienced in exporting .obj files would be appreciated.
It should be much more easer to write a .obj importer, shouldn't? (.obj files are very simple, by the way).
As far as I've looked at trigger code, it's just a matter of writting a loadOBJ function at PModel, on "src/pengine/model.cpp" (declared at "src/pengine/render.h"), populating its internal PMesh according to the loaded values (and switching between loaders at PModel contructor, based on file extension) - could use loadASE as reference.
Unfortunally, I'm somewhat busy right now... I'll try it latter, if nobody does it first (and if it's really as easy as it seems right now on a quick look).
farrer, it definitely would be preferable to have Trigger deal with the widely supported and open .obj format than working on a pipeline for creating working .ase files. :)
I announced your idea on the mailing list (thread).
By the way: plib has the ability to load/save both .obj and .ase, if this helps.
Just to point that I finally had some time and implemented the .obj support for trigger:
There are some restrictions (mainly due to the way the trigger engine is implemented, but sometimes for easy implementation) to the .obj (nothing the blender exporter couldn't handle):
- Just a single material per .obj;
- All faces must be triangles.
- The material is somewhat ignored, only loaded the texture defined by it;
I've submitted a patch here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3518605&group_id=157028&...
Hope they find it usefull.
EDIT: Just forgot to tell the license the patch is: GPLv2 or latter.
Hey it's nice to see my textures in game!
and thats great if you can now use .obj files as I think it will mean more users will be able to help you more easily. Does it now work properly with farrer's patch?
I'm too busy for the moment but if theres now an easy way of importing the textures I made last time I might get a chance to make some more at a later date!
Good luck with your project,
Don't know if they looked at the patch or not.
To make things easer for them to test the patch, I've uploaded here a car model, based on mime old focus texture (but with a new uvmap) with all definitions files for trigger usage (.vehicle definition and with .obj and .mtl exported) among with the related .blend and .svg:
farrer, thanks for your effort and Scribe I'm glad to hear that you see benefits in the addition of .obj support.
From our mailing list:
(Ishmael Turner)
I'm looking forward to the format being supported!
I tested and committed the .obj patch. Thanks again, farrer!
I tried exporting Scribe's focus model, which seems to have incorrect texture file names, but when switching to the focus in car selection, I get a segfault:
Loading .mtl Material "vehicles/focus/ford focus2.mtl"
Loading image "vehicles/focus/focus bodyTex mud.png"
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff2310404 in ?? () from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/r600_dri.so
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00007ffff2310404 in ?? ()
from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/r600_dri.so
#1 0x000000000042b4f1 in PApp::drawModel(PModel&) ()
#2 0x00000000004151eb in MainApp::renderStateChoose(float) ()
#3 0x0000000000418525 in MainApp::render(float) ()
#4 0x000000000042db43 in PApp::run(int, char**) ()
#5 0x0000000000405e4a in main ()
farrer, can you tell me how you exported Scribe's model so that it would work in TR?
Could you send me the .obj and .mtl that fails? (so, I can put some warning message saying what really is the problem)...
Anyway, it's probably related to the restrictions on the .obj implementation.
When exporting, you must select "Include Normals" and "Triangulate Faces" in the blender options (if I remember, I selected: "Apply Modifiers", "Include Normals", "Include Edges", "Write Materials", "Triangulate Faces" and "Objects as OBJ Objects" and some change to the forward orientation that I'm not sure right now). Also, you should make sure that only one material is applied to the car's object (and, put all objects, besides the wheels, on a single object). As far I remember that's it.
I worked on a skin for the evo. I added a few logos and labels and surfaces, mostly creating shapes very similar to the original, non-free skin. I base this on the default UV map because I have an inexperience-based fear of breaking something by editing the mesh/uv map...
pixmap: http://i.imgur.com/0o9Im.png
SVG: http://ompldr.org/vZXFjeQ
license: gpl v2+/ccbysa v3+
note: based on farrer's http://opengameart.org/content/simple-car-textures
The SVG might display incorrectly. I used google web fonts among others. To my knowledge, all are freely licensed (let me know if I'm wrong)
Suggestions, criticizm welcome!
EDIT: I made a texture for the SEAT-style model:
PNG: http://i.imgur.com/LmpEM.png SVG: http://ompldr.org/vZXF4bQ
Same license/authorship info.
Great textures! Some suggestions:
For the evo: I belive that white paint in the front bumper makes not much sense with that front air entrance hidden it. It could be better if you shrink the air entrance a little to make the paint fully visible.
For the seat: The sentence in the front seens a lot distorted...
I'll do later a new uv map for them and will adjust yours .svg to it, as I belive the mirrored sides diminish the great textures you've made...
Thanks, farrer! I recommend using pixel measurements in Inkscape.
Some info about the textures/cars: I invented brands and car model names to replace the real ones:
"Evaluate Pi" by "Tex Technologies"/"Tex Technologies Sports"
"Cordon" by "Rotor Automobiles"/"Rotor"
"Fox Mark II" by "Iron Precisions"
The whole context of the game is an event called "TRI" or "Trigger Championship". (Maybe "TRC"/"Trigger Rally Championship" would be better).
Ads are open source program or library names. Real logos are being avoided. There's a freesound ad on the Cordon and there will be an opengameart ad on the Fox.
Here's my Fox WIP: http://ompldr.org/vZXJraQ I'm actually so proud of the tire that I put it on OCAL http://openclipart.org/detail/171197 :)
Not have time to do the new uv maps yet.
But qubudop, for your Fox, you should use the uvmap defined for http://opengameart.org/content/trigger-nimrud , as it won't have the mirror problem (and the .obj is already exported and support by the game)...
By the way, the wheel you made for it was really well done!
I will have to try to use the nimrud template. There might have been some problems and there's the advantage of having a pre-existing texture, which is known to work - this makes it much more easier for me by being able to imitate key coordinates and positions of nodes and labels.
For now, here's how far I got with the old one: http://ompldr.org/vZXNjcw
http://i.imgur.com/ORBRJ.jpg | http://i.imgur.com/uP8Xy.jpg | http://i.imgur.com/Z6XfV.jpg
Some inspiration images: http://i.imgur.com/MBM7V.jpg
I created a new uvmap for the evo model, and even reseted your new texture to it.
Uploaded the files here: http://dnt.dnteam.org/trigger/evo/
There are the .blend, the exported .obj/.mtl and the .png with the texture.
But I was so stupid (and tired, as the day was long today) that by mistake I deleted the .svg when cleaning the files to upload (thinking it was the old one)!!! And I have no backups, so if you feel in the mood to do it, use the .png as a base of what I've done to your texture... ouch!
Created the uvmap for the seat model (uploaded to the same dir of evo: http://dnt.dnteam.org/trigger/evo/ ).
As I am very frustated for the .svg deletion, I've created the uvmap trying to be as much similar as the evo as possible (so, they can use the same textures, with little to no modifications).
You could check how similar their uv-maps are now:
Hope they are helpfull.
Thanks farrer,
I think I managed to put the eva/evo svg into place:
svg http://ompldr.org/vZXRuZg
png http://i.imgur.com/jl4V7.png
Wheel is missing though,a wheel.obj that was lying around (either my own export or one of yours(?)) was offset on the new texture.
I'm not sure how fast I can finish the ther two svgs and I will have to create new wheels for seat and evo, as well as probably add some shading to the seat. I will try to get *something* until the end of the month.
EDIT: screwed-up textures are fun! http://blog.wolfire.com/2009/04/always-initialize-your-memory/
Hm.. it might be good if the wheels had different textures on the two sides (although they're probably used in an incompatible way for that purpose in the game.. so nevermind :) )
Created the uvmap for the wheel for evo and seat models (the .obj you have is probably from the nimrud model, which have different uvs). Uploaded them (with the .blend also) to the same place ( http://dnt.dnteam.org/trigger/evo/ ).
About double sized, not sure how trigger do the wheel translation to each position (if the engine did not rotate them, it won't be usefull to have different textures for inside-outside).
Latest EVO/EVA progress. Have no inspiration, could use suggestions. Will try to get started with the other UV maps.
EDIT: farrer, thanks a lot for doing all that UV map work. It's very brain-mangling to me trying to work with blender when I really just want to draw in Inkscape. :)
Based on trigger-nimrud (contains correct .vehicle file) I tried to finish the Fox Mark II. Suggestions welcome!
SVG (probably needs Google Web Fonts to properly display)
Skin Demo Video
I had to tinker with blender after all to make some room and re-unwrap some sections of both the seat and wheel (it was SO comfortable to already have the sections in different parts of the uv map and not having to do this from scratch!)
2MB zip of everything in the seat dir, just so I don't forget anything...
I could use some comments, For example about my choice of "ads". Is this fun? Stupid? Should I change things like "grep" to "grep inc" to make it seem more of a parody? Or not brainwash players into getting comfortable with *nix commands at all? :) Anybody who would play a racing game is welcome to give their "two cents".
I like all 3 car textures, fictional brand names and logos.
You should not be too worried about brand names and logos, cause in a Rally game they are not the main aim of a player sight focus (For me they are a great add, anyway, as players that known Linux and FLOSS world will see lots of great references if they look carefully at the cars... but not all players will spot that).
And you should submit them to OGA, packed with sources (.blend and .svg) and binaries suitable to Trigger-Rally (.obj, .mtl .vehicle and .png), and commit them to the trigger repository to remove that old copyright-dubious files that are there til now...
Thanks for the feedback, I committed the cars but the old ones are not out of the race yet.
If you have the evo_wheel.blend lying around, please upload, otherwise I'll just generate one from the .obj. (All wheels seem to have different UV maps, meaning the .obj files differ.)
I noticed that eva (evo) and cordon (seat) have "glass" surfaces above the front lights. A very nice effect and I'll have to align the textures for this and make this work for fox (focus) and backlights, if possible and test if this looks good when applied to the windows.
Glad they are on game now...
About the wheel, the evo and seat wheel are the same .obj and its .blend was already uploaded: wheel.blend
Not sure if the glass will improve the texture, but for sure aligning the front light to its "orifice" will make it better.
BTW, importing some TORCS cars (not sure if they are easily imported on Blender) could be a great add to Trigger (even if need to redo their textures to be more rally-like).
There might be license issues with some TORCS cars (not sure). Personally, I'd prefer to keep Trigger to have only 3 cars (but more tracks).
Liviu just (re-)started a discussion about importing TORCS tracks on trigger-rally-devel mailing list.
Better tracks would be essential to have (and maybe a simulated championship - against AI generated times - with sequential races on a big world map, like a real rally)...
But the bigger problem to me (which made Trigger-Rally somewhat not funny to play) is the behaviour of the car when it loss contact with the ground: the car either bounces like if it were made of rubber or take off like a plane!... Maybe someday I'll take a look on its phisics code and see what could be done there...
Note: It looks like they put advertisement on the undersides of cars now: File:Guerlain_Chicherit_Tignes_MINI.jpg.