Music Preview Image

Music Preview Image

William.Thompsonj's picture

When I search for music or open music content and click the play image it switches to a stop image and plays music (exactly as expected).

When I view someone's profile and they have music to preview I can hit play but the icon doesn't change. At first I thought it was broken but I waited a moment and music started playing! If I click it again the music stops but the image stays the same either way.

Example: I click play on the Mus image from the profile page of Alexandr Zhelanov and the play image stays the same while music plays:

I click play from the Mus content page and music plays and the icon changes:

I've confirmed this for Firefox 26.0, Chrome Version 31.0.1650.63 m, and IE 11.0.9600.16476

Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP1