My Next Pixel Art Project? Wishes and Suggestions?

My Next Pixel Art Project? Wishes and Suggestions?

Spring Spring's picture

Hi again everyone!


So following a couple of days work I'm just about to wrap up 4-Color Assortment, I'd say. It was very fun to do and in my opinion a great success which got more attention than anything else I've ever been posting before I'd say. Not that popularity is the same as quality....

I want to do another pixel art project very soon, but for this time, I thought I'd ask the community what they'd like to see! 

The two things I had in mind were RTS stuff, and Dawnbringer-16 stuff maybe. But if any of you have any ideas, I'll be eager to hear about them!

(disclaimer: This does not means I take requests for art needed for individual game projects. I'd like to do something which can be used more generally ^^ other than that, feel free to suggest stuff!)

I could of course also just continue 4-Color Assortment?
