Need 2d pixel arts monsters for small top-down game

Need 2d pixel arts monsters for small top-down game

Hi. I'm looking for 2d pixel artist.

I already done a lot of code, so you can see some results here . Game is a top-down hack and slash with rouglike elements and zeldalike battles. Game will be small and probably will not bring profit, but I definitely will release it somewhere. As this is my first game I want to keep it simple, and try to narrow my needs to minimum, so for now I need just few sprites for enemies.

10-15 enemies probably 16x16 pixels with animations for different directions, some with animations for attack. For now I use placeholders from zelda game this is good exemple what I need.

I saw few good sprites here in OGA but I can't use resources from different artist to keep consistency for my game. So if you already have something here and can add some more according to my needs I will be glad to use them. I also need some arts for main character and powerups, but I think it will be okey if I get it later, so for now I focused just on monsters, if you want to help me with something else give me know.


PS. If you want to be a part of team, and not just provide arts. I will discuss gameplay features and organisation questions with you with pleasure, just give me know.