Need LPC Spritesheet splitter for project!
Need LPC Spritesheet splitter for project!
Hi, you might know me by my submissions in OGA, and I was willing to ask if there is an image splitter for the Universal LPC Spritesheet that can cut a sheet into big chunks containing all of the direction animations of an LPC sprite's state. Is there such a thing existing?
You can achieve such task (and many others as well) using ImageMagick. It's a fairly complex command-line utility, but you should be able to find a pre-made command that does what you need. If I got it right, what you're looking for could be done using
convert [file] -crop [size] +repage +adjoin [file]-%d.png
I also made the AIR ShoeBox tool's creator become aware of this. Thank you!
This might sound kind of crazy but I use Tiled to cut up sprite sheets as long as they're all the same size tiles (like the Universal LPC Spritesheet Generator makes). It has a huge number of other functions, most notably it's ability to make maps that are compatible with a huge range of game frameworks and programs.
What is the size of the tiles, though? I could only measure the sheets by crop.
Tiled works well for splitting tiles if they are all the same width and height. The stuff that comes out of the LPC spritesheet generator is uniform size and layout (64x64) so it should work well for that. I made an example sheet for reference (semi-random).
When I run Tiled it comes up to a blank screen. Under File->New... I setup my options as orthogonal, any layer format (mine defaults to base 64, zlib compressed), map size 1 tile width and 1 tile height, and tile size 64px width and 64px height. After that I add a map under Map->New Tileset, find the sprite sheet file with the Browse... button, tick the box that says Use transparent color: and click the colored box to change it to white (white background, makes sense if you want to lay the sprite on top of anything), and hit OK.
You might end up with a slightly different layout but I attached a screen shot of what it looks like for me.
Here is what I did in Stencyl:
After I did what you did, I was able to figure that using 21 rows, 13 columns, 1x(Standard) and "No Smoothing" can result in making animation frames that do not overlap. Then, I also found the frames I wanted can be achieved by cutting them in the same resize, only with the collapse animation omitted. Thank you and cheers!!!!!
Hey, Stencyl is made with HaXe! That's a pretty neat tool to see, thanks for sharing.