Pixel Brawler
Pixel Brawler
I recently started working on (in my (rare) spare time) a brawler-type game to use with disthron's excellent pixel heros. I put a short demo video up on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofED9Pnth6k). All art assets come from OGA!
Jason-Em's Classic Hero (http://opengameart.org/content/classi...)
disthron's Knight and Musket man (http://opengameart.org/users/disthron)
Zack Alvarado's platformer tiles (http://opengameart.org/content/platfo...)
Zeyu Ren's background (http://opengameart.org/content/backgr...).
Gundatsch's Raining Bits (https://soundcloud.com/gundatsch)
MentalSanityOff's jump landing sound (http://opengameart.org/content/jump-l...)
Damaged Panda's Jump sound (http://opengameart.org/content/100-pl...)
As you can see, for now the AI is about as stupid as it gets and just mashes buttons. Attacks are not yet supported, but a few holder animations are in for punches, jumpkicks, and weapons.
It's written in Java using libgdx, so I may ultimately be able to put it out on multiple platforms, including Android and iOS. As of now it just runs on desktop, but accepts keyboard or XBox360 gamepad for input.
Looks good.
Suggestion: add little doors or something to warp to other spots on the map, like in pac-man where you go through the side, and come out on the other side. They could open and close randomly.
Hay, that looks really cool. I like how it zooms into and out of the action. I made a tweet showcasing your video. ^_^
Thanks for the feedback and share (and awesome art)! SpiderDave - I think that sounds like a really fun feature, and will look forward to trying to add it in the future.
The idea looks cool. Would be great to see Quake-like platformer action, especially if environment is destructible. Some character classes would be nice too.
Thanks @Nikita. I'm not 100% sure what a Quake-like platformer would play like, but I anticipate adding projectile weapons for the some of the characters. I do intend to have character classes - based on Disthron's sprites I have already also added in a necromancer, skeleton, and knife wielding rogue. As of yesterday I started working on a pirate as well - I'll be submitting the whole spritesheet once all the animations are down, for now all it has is idle, run, jump, fall, and land. The goal is for these different characters to get unique abilities.
>I'm not 100% sure what a Quake-like platformer would play like,
Rocket jump. Underwater passages. Headshots. Of course a good projectile weapon system would be required, including a robust hit model. Machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols - all can still be implemented in a platformer. Contra style weapons can be implemented too.
Regarding classes, something as simple as "slower movement, but high damage" would go well. Also think about restriction on weapons and armor for characters, heavy ones like machine guns, cannot be carried by weak classes or would give less effect.