Questions about generation of Tileset defs

Questions about generation of Tileset defs


I am trying to figure out how Flare the tile set definitions are generated and am a little confused about it..I'm trying to get an understanding of how the the maps, and art assets are integrated into the game and the tile set definition part of the process is not clear to me.

I can see there is tile set definitions in:


   and this directory has tile set definitions for cave, dungeon, grasslands and snowplains that relate to tilesets in:




   and this directory has map definition files.


What are the tools used to generate these tileset and map definition files? I found the Flare team's Flare Tileset Definition Generator repository on Github. The python script is generating something similar to the tileSetDefs in part (1) above but also there is some small differences. Is this tool redunandant? How are the definitions for part (2) generated?

Hope I am clear and thanks to anyone that can help.

Bonus question: The Flare Tileset Definition Generator also talks about packing the images with ImageMagick. I can see some code relating to that in earlier versions of the script. Was this used for FanastyCore and the script changed for Empyrean campaign?