Request for independent visual representation for the main armour slots / types of Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists:-)
Request for independent visual representation for the main armour slots / types of Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists:-)
Request for independent visual representation for the main armour slots / types of Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists. I wonder how to add in more visual armour slots / types and to what the challenges of such a request would be?
There are main armour slots / types that I am currently using (list below) yet only some have separate visuals that show up on the player character though. The current main armour slots / types that I use that do not have visuals are as such: Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists. Although the 3D graphics for these separate armour pieces are rendered and are included / combined into armour slots / types such as:
Torso having included Shoulders and Arms
Hands having included Wrists
Legs having included Waist
Feet having included Shins.
Is it possible to make more visual armour layers / separate the armour slots / types further to support independent Shoulders, Arms, Wrists, Waist and Shins visible armour slots / types?
These are the main armour slots / types that I am currently using (list below)
"# Main Armour
Also special mention to Back and Tabard slot / type for these are supposed to be visual armour / clothes that goes with any armour type. Same with Shirt, Pants, Hat and other clothing that can be found under realistic armour. Yet these are extra details and are fine being non-visual in nature. It is the main armour types that already have art work but made into separate independent art layers / slots / types that I am mainly wondering about. Independent visual representation for the main armour slots / types of Shoulders, Waist, Shins, Arms and Wrists.
This is a formal thread for this question as first found within:
For greater understanding of the pieces that constitute real life / realistic plate armour slots / types here you go:
I have simplified this into 10 reasonable main armour slots / types:
Example (Steel Medium) Plate Armour Set:
10 - 12 Torso - ... Plate Cuirass
9 - 11 Head - ... Plate Helm
8 - 10 Legs - ... Plate Cuisses
7 - 9 Hands - ... Plate Gauntlets
6 - 8 Shoulders - ... Plate Pauldrons
5 - 6 Waist - ... Plate Faulds
4 - 5 Shins - ... Plate Greaves
3 - 4 Feet - ... Plate Sabatons
2 - 3 Wrists - ... Plate Vambraces
1 - 2 Arms - ... Plate Rerebraces
This is an example of a Plate Armour set in how it is made into 10 main armour pieces based upon realistic / real life construction of full plate mail armour pieces.