Searching For An Artist

Searching For An Artist

Hello all,

 My name is Hakan. I am in the "game making" for years. I started to learn it for nearly 5 years and even I joined some projects. I drawed something, coded and many more. But now I think I am ready to make my own project. I am working on a project which is about simply about running and doing a parkour. Well, I have a graphic artist for animations and spriting. I also doing that and coding the game. But we also need musics.

 So that, we are searching for an artist who makes musics. I can buy or also find stuff here but I want them to be close in style. Let me know if you want to join us. 

 About pricing, you won't earn too much before project ends. Because I am an indie developer and I don't have a big budget. For more information, you can contact me.

