Seeking a 16-bit style 2D sprite artist to form a team

Seeking a 16-bit style 2D sprite artist to form a team

Name's Dave and I'm based in Austin TX USA. I'm working on my first game in which I plan on submitting to Steam Greenlight, then hopefully porting it to other platforms. It is being made in Game Maker Studio 1.4 (not the free version).

I'm looking for the right person to form a permanent team of two people: a 2D sprite artist and myself.

I would handle all of the programming and music. I plan on making at least 3 games. The first one will be a shmup. All games will have a 16-bit look (Genesis/SNES).

I already have several tunes written for it. Here's a few I've posted on my soundcloud: (Stage 1 level) (Stage 7 boss) (Final boss fight)

I already have the basics programmed: Title screen, options (volume controls, scanlines, window sizes, etc), the gui display bar during gameplay (lives, weapon power, speed, score), Xinput controller mapping, and have started on Stage 1. I also have the main ship's design, drone buddies, and weapons, but that all can be changed/improved. I've been working on the coding since September 2016.

All I need is someone's content that I can put into the game, specifically enemies, bosses, & backgrounds. It will be both a vertical and horizontal scroller. I'll basically be telling you what I have in mind and then the rest will be up to you. Profits will be split 50/50. I will be paying the Greenlight fee as well as any others along the way. I haven't come up with a team name yet, as well.