Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks
Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2500 Tracks
Hi everyone,
I've created over 2500 tracks of music and sound fx that you are welcome to freely use in your games. All I ask is to be attributed as explained on my website:
I sincerely hope some of my work is helpful. Any and all feedback is welcome and much appreciated! :-)
All the best,
Wow, that's very generous of you. I just took a look, and you've made some fantastic compositions. I'm not sure if I'll ever have the opportunity, but I'd love to make use of this resource one day.
Thanks a lot for supporting the community!
Thanks for the kind words...I appreciate it!
Some amazing stuff on there, it must have taken ages to put all that together.
Thank you so much for giving to the community, I will surly make use of your awesome sounds one day! :)
Thanks, Paul, I appreciate you checking out my music.
I can do custom pieces as well if need be...just give me a shout.
Hi everyone,
I'm in the process of expanding the site with new pages/genres of music and wanted to reach out and ask you if you had any suggestions for genres/styles/feels of music that would be helpful to you.
I have some ideas of my own, but I'm sure there are all kinds of styles I haven't thought of.
All suggestions are welcome and very much appreciated.
Hi everyone,
I've added a bunch of new pieces on the following pages:
Fantasy/Game Music
Hope they are useful,
Hey Eric,
Is there a way to download all pieces at once, through a Torrent file or payment possibly?
Here it comes. You overuse synth pads, to the point most of your music is useless. Your music sounds ridiculous most of the time and I found myself laughing out loud on one track, the name of which escapes me.
Remember that episode of Friends when Ross puts on a performance with his keyboard for everyone else and then they laugh at him? Yeah.
Issues with your compositions:
Melodies aren't memorable.
Overuse of synths - Synths mostly drown out anything else in the track.
There's nothing "Fantasy" about synths, use real world equivalents to fantasy instruments if you must.
If you're the rational type of person who is taking my criticism seriously and not getting emotional and "mad" then you're the type of person interested in improving.
Here's a good video for you - This will help you ALOT. I look forward to your future work if you stop using synths.
On the plus side -
I can see your stuff being useful to moneygrabbing indies who want some quick tracks for their iOS puzzle clone games though.
Thank you for your feedback.
Hey Kenney,
I can make that happen as a download. Give me a day to work out the details.
I'm going to criticise the criticism:)
I don't think it's fair to say he shouldn't use synths - I mean yes, perhaps the "fantasy music" section could be labelled "synth music" section, but that's a labelling issue. It's true these pieces don't feature lots of different instruments, or it's hard to hear anything but the synths - if the latter, the volume balance could be improved, if the former, well it is what it is, single-instrument pieces doesn't mean bad.
I also didn't get any connection to the Friends scene at all - that seems an unfair comment, that doesn't explain the criticism, and just seems to make the criticism seem bigger. On the contrary, Ross's performance had all sorts of different sounds, but didn't have anything to them apart from that.
Much of the music I like isn't about "memorable melodies".
From the video, one issue is that the tracks don't seem loopable as well as being fairly short ... OTOH, there's enough of them that one could perhaps feature lots of the in a game to keep up the variation and not need looping (some RPGs do this, play between different tracks rather than constantly looping).
It's a fair point that different aspects of a game can be represented by different sounds, so not everything should be synths. But there's more variation in sound under the other sections (unclear why the "Fantasy" section is also labelled "Game", if all the sections are potentially game music). The video also has the advantage that he already had a particular game to create music for - I imagine it's harder if writing music without a game. Firstly it's simply harder because you don't have that source of inspiration. But even if you do come of with some music tailored for some imaginary game, you've then significantly limited its appeal - so okay, great, you've written music for a game about singing centaurs, but that's not any good for anything else :) So to some degree, the music will have to be more generic in order to have any chance of being used.
I've added some new pieces on the following pages:
Hope they are helpful,
"Remember that episode of Friends when Ross puts on a performance with his keyboard for everyone else and then they laugh at him? Yeah."
"If you're the rational type of person who is taking my criticism seriously and not getting emotional and "mad" then you're the type of person interested in improving."
If you want your criticisms to be taken seriously, don't phrase them with uneccessary hostility. Don't be afraid to point out what's wrong and what needs improvement, but there is no need to be a jerk about it. We try to keep things as pleasant around here as possible.
Hi everyone,
I've had several requests for action I've started an "Action" page and uploaded 5 new pieces with varying styles. If there's a particular style you're interested in, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
I also uploaded some new pieces on the Nature/Science page as well as the Technology page. I hope they are helpful.
Thanks for all your feedback and support,
Hi everyone,
I've added some new pieces on the following pages:
I hope they are helpful,
Hi everyone,
I've posted some new tracks on the following pages:
I've also received a number of requests for longer pieces (in general) so I thought I'd begin creating longer versions of some of my tracks.
If you all have any thoughts about tracks of mine that you'd like to use, but wish were longer, please let me know. :)
Hi everyone,
I've posted new pieces on the following pages:
As always, your feedback is welcome and much appreciated.
Only listened to a few songs right now, but it sounds good so far.
Thank you so much for giving these to us!
You're very welcome...I hope you find some pieces you can use.
Hi everyone,
I've created a bunch of new tracks and uploaded them onto the following pages:
I've also posted a few on this site under music:
I hope they are useful. As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Hi everyone,
New tracks await you on the following pages:
I hope they are useful. As always, your feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Eric that's an awesome move. I will make sure to use your music for any upcoming games or applications that I work on. And I will spread the word of your epicness amongst game/web/application developers if I'm not able to donate.
You are awesome! Thanks for doing this :D
Thanks in advance for your help spreading the word...the site is still relatively new so I need all the help I can get!
Thanks for sharing, I will let you know if I use any of them :D
Keep up the good work!
Please do...and thanks. :-)
Hi everyone,
New tracks are available on the following pages:
I hope they are helpful. As always, any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated.
Hi everyone,
New tracks await you on the following pages:
Hope they are helpful,
Thanks for your generousity. When I start making money from my game, I will make a donation. Thanks again.
You're very welcome. Please feel free to send me a link to your game...I'd love to see it!
Hi everyone,
New tracks are available on the following pages:
I hope they are helpful. As always, all thoughts, comments and feedback are welcome.
Have a great week,
Hi everyone,
New tracks are available on the following pages:
I'm also on Twitter now so be sure to follow me for more frequent updates.
Have a great week,
Hi everyone,
New free tracks are waiting for you on the following pages:
I'm also posting daily updates on Twitter as I add tracks.
Have a great week,
Hi Eric,
I found your collection of music to be quite nice and am looking into using some of it in a project of mine! Though I have a question regarding the "Prohibited use" section on your site.
This to me seem to contradict the CC-BY license which grants use for any purpose as long as proper attribution is used. I specifically might have trouble complying with the youtube community guideline that weren't really made for games in mind. Also I would have second thoughts on using the music in a game which includes nudity.
Of course you are free to put any restrictions on your work as you see fit. It would just help me to get some clarification on what restrictions you intended for the work. Also it might be a good idea to put this "Prohibited use" in the "Copyright/Attribution Notice" section on the OpenGameArt pages as well!
Hey there,
Nudity is fine as long as it has artistic merritt. What I don't want is my music (and my name) being used in anything considered pornography, whether it be in a video, game or anything else.
I hope that clears things up. Thanks for checking out my site...I really appreciate it!
This my game Eric that I have used your music. Please check it out :
Thanks for your awesome music :D
Cool game!
And you're very welcome...I'm glad you found some tracks that were useful!
Dear Eric,
For a few myself that I was working games. I was looking for some music ... I want to thank you for this initiative. I can now add your music in my production. You encourage me in my project. I sent a video soon as the progress of my game is great. Some songs are beautiful to adapt well in my world of madness.
I will attend your donation soon.
Just need an information: I have so loved some songs ... I read that you produce on demand. If I provide you the games first before (without music), would you be ready to produce all his music!
A real work of composer ;-)
What would be your price ?
Thanks for your awesome music and excuse my english :D
You are very welcome...and thank you in advance for you donation!
Just need an information: I have so loved some songs ... I read that you produce on demand. If I provide you the games first before (without music), would you be ready to produce all his music!
A real work of composer ;-)
What would be your price ?
Please send me your game as well as a private email with details so I can give you an estimate. (My email address is on my homepage.)
Hi everyone,
New free tracks are waiting for you on the following pages:
I've also posted some of my tracks on this site at:
Have a great week,
Hi everyone,
New free tracks are waiting for you on the following pages:
Have a great week,
Hi everyone,
New free tracks are waiting for you on the following pages:
Have a great week,
Hi everyone,
New free tracks are waiting for you on the following pages:
Have a great week,
Hi everyone,
Been busy with my web series, but I've created some new free tracks on the following pages:
Have a great week!
Very nice!
If I were you I would sell these on Unity Asset store as well as providing them as CC4.0. A lot of people can't attribute but those people usually can pay instead :)
Good advice...thanks. Just out of curiosity, though, why wouldn't Unity game developers be able to attribute?
A lot of them make commercial games where they don't want to attribute.
I myself would consider buying assets just to not have to deal with keeping track of attributions for them as you'll add and remove thema all the time during development and I'm only doing it for fun :) The tool on this site is great though where you can add and remove from a collection for your game, that makes it a lot easier.
I've actually seen indie apps created for commercial release that include an information screen crediting the programmers (and myself for my music.) To me, that just seems more professional, but then again I come from film world. :-) I can certainly see where it would be ridiculous to attribute, say, every texture you used...or sprites, or sound effects...(the credit list could really get out of control!)...but there are far fewer music assets in games than graphics and such so I don't understand why some developers don't want to credit the composer(s). Again, though, I come from film world, so I could be way off base. :-)
As a commercial (indie, but I make money) game developer who mostly uses CC/PD art and a little royalty-free paid work:
All commercial games MUST credit the artists and musicans. Paid or not. It's fine if that's buried in the credits screen that nobody looks at, but it had better be there. I've seen companies destroyed over failing to attribute. You can't afford the lawyer time to deal with it.
Glad to see your stuff up here, Eric, I'll be using some of these!