Sprite artist needed and will be paid when the game is selling
Sprite artist needed and will be paid when the game is selling
Friday, January 27, 2017 - 00:45
Hello my name is SaviorSavior and I would like to ask for your help in our Metroidvania, Action, and Adventure game. Yes you will get paid when the game starts to sell. We havent started the game yet because we are in need of a sprite artist but if you can create our characters sprite we will get started and show you what we can do.
My email is idrisboy@homemail.com
My skype is IdrisGameDev
What would this character's sprite look like? I might do this as a side project, since my main one is taking a break currently. I'm not really interested in the money tbh, I'd only do it for the hell of it :P
I want him to have curly red hair, red eyes, and a tan face. You can design the clothes hes supposed to be a rookie adventurer.
What sorta size in pixels are you going for?
Actually Im not sure if youre type of sprite style is the one were looking for. Were looking for a serious type of sprite style.
And if you cant provide it for us then can you create you create music for us? Me and my partner loved your music and we would like you to be our music composer.
This is the type of sprite style were looking for.
I don't think "serious" is the right word, I think you mean "realistic" XD My work is as serious as any. But you're right, it's not my style XD. With music, I guess I can at least put together a demo track if you're interested :) What style of music are you looking for then?
-How many tracks
- And how long
And if you can tell me which scenes in with these tracks should be used. It would be a huge help :)
-But keep in mind it'll still be a SIDE project for me...
Do you have a discord by any chance so we can get to you quicker or anything similar?
Yes I do. Aeitia#6354
Opening channels is up to you tho.
Alright this is our discord https://discord.gg/njUA5
I am still looking for a sprite artist I havent found one yet....
I've seen this a lot. Those examples have quite a bit of detail and it sounds like you don't even have a prototype with "stand-in" graphics. I'd suggest building a prototype, using gfx somewhat on par with with what you have envisioned(even copyrighted material, as this is only for the prototype) and make something that presents your creativity in its levels, game play and features. The longer the demo is, the more convincing you'll be in your dedication to complete the game. You'll have a much higher chance of getting an artist of that caliber to work for rev.
[NOTE: This user has been deactivated for repeatedly using copyright-infringing works incorporated into artwork. Assets from this user may not be legally usable in your project. Discretion is advised.]