The asset creation process

The asset creation process

Sai_to's picture

Hey everyone!  This is my first post on OGA ever, so sorry if im doing this wrong.  I was just wondering what your procss is for creating assets for your games.  What are your first steps?  Do you rough sketch some ideas down?  Do you create backstories for your characters before even considering drawing?  What programs do you use? What programs would you recommend for a noob?  What tools do you find ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for your work?  What does your workstation setup look like?


Sorry to bombard you with a bunch of questions all at once haha.  I just started programming my first game, its just a little top down space shooter but I thought it would be fun to AT LEAST design my own ship, if for no other reason then to get an idea of the game art process.  Really my ultimate goal would be to make the ship look as though its moving side to side and also for it to look like its thrusters are increasing when the ship moves forward.  Static movement just looks really artificial to me.

Ive googled some stuff but would also appreciate your thoughts and guidance as well, can never have too much help you know.  If it helps any I use Linux LXDE and would perfer to stick to free software till i get decent enough to justify an increased investment.