Who would like there music put into a video game right now?

Who would like there music put into a video game right now?

Pro Sensory's picture

I'm looking to make a community of musicians to add music to my game. Submit your music as OpenGameArt links for each song you want me to add to Space++. You must have at least ten songs to apply to this game. There will be a default script that will choose one of the artists as the primary soundtrack for each load. Your music will not be selected based on how good you are but rather on if you want to be part of the community of Space++/ A Lua programming game. Your name will be credited on the game's website as well for a link to a website of your choosing. 

The game is called Space++. If you have no prior history of programming in Lua do not worry there is a default script written for non-programmers. In fact, I plan on adding multiple default scripts for non-programmers. If you mess up the script at any time click the Factory Reset button to reset the default script.


I just recently changed the music to chiptunes. Chiptunes only, please.