Why do they swap hands?
Why do they swap hands?
Tuesday, July 16, 2013 - 20:01
Am I the only one that noticed that all of the weapon/item animations they swap hands in some of the animations?
Top 2 rows he is right-handed
Bottom 2 rows he is left-handed?
Just looks kind of odd to me :(
Actually thats just because there is animations for the left hand and animations for the right hand
Any other animations can be generated by just flipping horisontal the sprite sheet.
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
I could have taken the time to redo the poses for every direction, but, in the words of a wise woman:
(Seriously, it would be a significant time investment for a very minor return. Especially during the time crunch of the pre-contest art phase, that was a no-brainer).