YOAS - progress thread
YOAS - progress thread
Have created a live demo here, feel free to have a look:
Haven't set up a public repository yet, but I've got some screenshots...
These newspapers are generated randomly using javascript + HTML5 + CSS3.
The headlines will/may have some relevance to the gameplay.
Also discovered that Firefox and IE do not implement the parts of CSS3 that allow you to do this,
so this is going to be a Chrome/Chromium only game. Oh well.
Headlines are defined like this:
[person] caught stealing [stolen thing]
Each of the 'key words' then maps to a list of possible values.
[person] "guard,granny,knight,mage,plucky youth" etc.
[stolen thing] "apple,relic,pig,necklace" etc.
Feel free to suggest some more random (absurd) headlines :D
And we have a screenshot - this is actually from Tiled, but this is what I'm aiming for...
looks good so far.
I like the concept. Looking forward to seeing how the gameplay works!
Have decided on a name, and we have another screenshot of the in browser game.
With dogs. Woof.
Don't try this at home kids, it's called overengineering (or overcomplicating?).
Odd note: Firefox picked up bugs in my javascript that Chrome did not...go figure.
I'll finish of the path nodes tomorrow...midnight, bedtime.
Are those nodes drawn manually? Or are you drawing them on an overlay that then your engine translates to paths for NPCs?
What I'm doing for my editor is something like that... it's very simple really, it's just generates a script with coordinates... something fancier would be to implement some path finding algorithm to let lose some NPCs, but time is short! The simplest one is just to walk randomly and respect collisions, but that generates weird results.
It's all manual, going to do some more of it tonight. Just a lot of typing really, but I'll only have to do it once. I also specifically didn't want everything to be too straight, as in people do not walk in straight lines - which kinda contradicts what the art allows for ;) That reminds me, have to add a path for the dog, so that he can amble over the screen and pee on the trees ;)
(And yes, the nodes for that will be yellow :)
No collision detection, no pathfinding and no tilemap for me. I'm using 'emitters' on the node to ensure that characters walk towards a goal.
So each node has an integer, and I have a bit of code that 'walks' the tree of nodes once starting from a desired endpoint at gamestart. The 'endpoint' starts at a high value, and each 'step' away from the endpoint decreases the integer value on the next node. A bit like a heatmap.
So if character on the map has a specific goal, on each node it just picks the child node with the highest value to get closer to its goal. Easy as pie.
Edit: Easy as pie he said....not quite, that didn't work out the way I wanted it to. Recursively trawling the nodes from the desired target gives you a decreasing emmitter to the exits...but of course it can't reach the entry points...going to have a sleep on it and try again tomorrow :D
Just realised that the only nodes that matter for path finding are where the path 'splits', most of the paths are one-way, so don't need to worry about emitters on those. More tomorrow.
Remember that "If something is worth doing once, it's worth building a tool to do it."
It seems to me you're not keeping it simple. Be careful :)
Not really, I've written simulation software for a living...this is smiple.
Didn't write a tool for the node editing, don't have time for that. My tool is a mouse listener on the canvas, if I click on it, I get the XY coordinates in the console ouput, and then I type that in in a script :P Very sophistimacated if I may say so myself.
There were only 8 nodes where the little peoples had to 'make a decision' if they were heading for the shop...so I set the 'emitters' on them manually.
Anyways, peoples are now walking on and off the screen and purposefully head for the shop,
AND in the shop they queue up in an orderly fashion to buy and sell stuff. Huzzah.
It's quite...bizarre...to see the head of the queue leave the counter and then watch the rest of the queue shuffle forward all in sync.
So now I've got a random mix of peoples who either wander randomly down the road, or they
want to buy stuff, and/or they want to sell stuff. Now comes the real work...trying to figure out why they all want to sell and buy from my little shop :D
any idea when you are going to make a public repo. ?
Unfortunately real life intervened, and over the weekend I became a daddy (again). So I've spent the last two days in hospital attending the birth of my baby boy. Mum and baby are doing fine btw.
I'm afraid to say that these last few days this competition has been the last thing on my mind so to speak.
Right now I've got about two days of peace and quiet before my wife and the baby (and other children) arrive home again...
On top of that I ripped the code apart on Friday to address some limitations I'd run into with the game library that I'm using...so my entry is not in a playable state...far from it in fact.
I was never quite sure if I was going to finish my entry...but we did not expect baby boy to arrive until the start of next month. You can never be sure with these things. So it is looking increasingly unlikely at the moment that you'll see much more from me. Little babies are more important right now.
So one last rather sad screenshot (You can use that spritesheet in your entry if you want to)
@madmarcel: congratulations, your idea seems interesting, I hope you continue to develop it even after the LPC. I guess we can wait for a year or two ;)
It's 2am in the morning, 17 hours left until deadline. No way am I going to make it. (But I was expecting that :)
Have created a live demo here, feel free to have a look:
Still have to fix link to YOAS repo and clean up artist attribution. but I might have time for that tomorrow.
I love the concept! I notice also that you have characters of color - I didn't see any in the original art assets, but maybe I'm blind. Did you make those yourself? I'd like to include more characters of color in my games.
There were some in the base assets. I recoloured and cleaned up a whole bunch of sprites, and I made some base body sprite sheets with different skin tones.
You are free to use them, after all, that is the point of the CC assets :D
They're in the repo, which I've just put up :D
Thanks, Marcel!