LPC Art Submissions
All Liberated Pixel Cup art submissions dual licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license and the GNU GPL 3.0, and are copyright their respective authors.
Title | Author | File(s) |
Liberated Steampunk Character | Stephen John Fogarty | Liberated.png 49 Kb [8085 download(s)] |
Memento | Nelson James Gatlin | Memento (art).7z 92 Mb [1995 download(s)] |
Fruit and Veggie Inventory | Joshua Taylor | Vegies.png 9.4 Kb [3814 download(s)] |
[LPC] Skorpio's SciFi Sprite Pack | Jonas Klinger | Skorpios_Sprite_Pack.zip 1.2 Mb [2256 download(s)] |
Maskman XCF | Juan M. Rodriguez | maskman.zip 79.5 Kb [803 download(s)] |
Female mage clothing set | Luke Mehl | LPC_melior.tar_.gz 1 Mb [926 download(s)] |
LPC C.Nilsson | Casper Nilsson | LPC_Casper_Nilsson.zip 1.6 Mb [1501 download(s)] |
Steampun-a-fy (with concept art) | Emilio J. Sanchez-Sierra | Liberated_Pixel_Cup_TurnIn.zip 1.9 Mb [1020 download(s)] |
Wheelbot and Blobbert | Tunicate | Blobbert_And_Wheelbot_Sheets.zip 10.7 Kb [561 download(s)], anENEMY.zip 3.7 Kb [299 download(s)] |
Jastiv's Artwork | Lori Angela Nagel | jastiv.tar_.gz 354.2 Kb [561 download(s)] |
Farming tilesets, magic animations and UI elements | Daniel Eddeland | lpc_daneeklu.tar_.gz 528.3 Kb [2147 download(s)] |
Limestone wall | Léo Villeveygoux | Limestone_wall01.png 8.8 Kb [1589 download(s)], Limestone_wall01.xcf 65.5 Kb [335 download(s)] |
Caeles' LPC art | Mark Weyer | caeles.tar_.gz 5.4 Mb [1011 download(s)] |
Some Characters and Other Things set in the 17th century | Caleb Rugg | Rugg_complete.png 25.2 Kb [2627 download(s)] |
Flowers, buildings and boxes; Interior wooden tiles; some old castle stuff | Guido Bos | contest-art.png 77.5 Kb [2814 download(s)], castle-contest.png 30.4 Kb [1656 download(s)], inside-contest.png 13.8 Kb [1679 download(s)] |
Redyable orbs for particle engine | Erik Schilling | orb_5x5_dyable.png 180 b [986 download(s)], orb_7x7_dyable.png 212 b [627 download(s)], orb_10x10_dyable.png 263 b [618 download(s)] |
Firefight | Dennis Boysen | lpc.tar_.gz 72.4 Kb [502 download(s)] |
Clothing, Facial features and UI Elements | Thane Brimhall | pennomi_laetissima.zip 383.8 Kb [1006 download(s)] |
Livestock | Brooss | livestock.png 10.2 Kb [1331 download(s)] |
FeralFantom's Entry | Skyler Robert Colladay | professor_walk_cycle_no_hat.xcf 354.3 Kb [1861 download(s)], professor_walk_cycle_no_hat.png 26.2 Kb [5679 download(s)], professor_hurt_no_hat.xcf 50.3 Kb [573 download(s)], professor_hurt_no_hat.png 10.3 Kb [2299 download(s)], FBI_walk_cycle.xcf 318.8 Kb [597 download(s)], FBI_walk_cycle.png 18.7 Kb [2865 download(s)], FBI_hurt.xcf 40 Kb [344 download(s)], FBI_hurt.png 7.3 Kb [1579 download(s)], fbi_shoot.xcf 50.3 Kb [408 download(s)], fbi_shoot.png 4.3 Kb [1808 download(s)], crpyt.png 8.9 Kb [1596 download(s)], grass_night.png 8.5 Kb [1658 download(s)], dirt_night.png 8.6 Kb [1612 download(s)], book.png 17.5 Kb [1849 download(s)] |
LCP art entry | Dethe Elza | LPC-entry.zip 93.8 Kb [634 download(s)] |
RPG Enemies; Bathroom Tiles | Matthew Nash | monsters.png 2.8 Kb [3097 download(s)], toilets.png 5.6 Kb [1909 download(s)] |
Cookiez monsters (re entry) | Ben Potter | LPC sprites submission.zip 147.4 Kb [638 download(s)] |
Shoot'em up graphic kit | Johann CHARLOT | shootemup.tar_.gz 1.5 Mb [1465 download(s)] |
Items set | Artur Reterski | items.png 7.4 Kb [1687 download(s)] |
Concept Art for LPC Entry | Barbara Rivera | LPT Art Entry.zip 291.2 Kb [705 download(s)] |
Team River Fox | Chris Phillips | SoFar.png 143.9 Kb [1311 download(s)], BRivera-CPhillipsLiberatedPixelCup.zip 167.6 Kb [731 download(s)] |
Character animations, clothes, armor, weapons, skeleton enemy, combat dummy | Johannes Sjölund | lpc_entry.zip 3.2 Mb [4536 download(s)] |
CRAY-1 | Adrian RAPINEAU | cray-1_2.xcf 109.2 Kb [1483 download(s)] |
Animated Water tiles | Stefan Beller | water.xcf 36.8 Kb [1618 download(s)], water.png 7.7 Kb [8586 download(s)], water.gif 4.6 Kb [7310 download(s)] |
Animated Coins | Clint Bellanger | coin_gold.png 1.3 Kb [6837 download(s)], coin_silver.png 1.2 Kb [2132 download(s)], coin_copper.png 1.3 Kb [1759 download(s)] |