December 2020 Art Challenge - Around the World
December 2020 Art Challenge - Around the World
It's time for the December 2020 Art Challenge!
This months's theme is:
Around the World
Santa goes all around the world in one night and Prince did it in a day. Now it's your turn! Create something to share on OGA that goes 'Around the World.' Could be a tile set with enviroments or cities from all four corners of the globe. Or a collection of songs or sounds that take one on a global audio adventure. Whatever you can think of that goes 'Around The World', make it!
The submission with the most favorites by close-of-vote wins!
Challenge and voting starts Tuesday December 1, 2020.
Have all your entries submitted by end of the day on Monday, December 21st, 2020.
Voting closes one week after that at 11:59 PM Monday, December 28th.
That's three weeks to submit and 1 week to vote.
You may start working on a submission as soon as you like.
There is no rule against starting or even finishing a submission in advance.
Just don't submit anything to OGA until the submission period officially begins.
You can 'favorite' as soon as you see a submission you like, no need to wait for anything.
Be sure to tag your submissions with both a "Challenge" and "Around the World" tag.
Also, post a link to your submission in this thread as well.